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Android 5.1 OS Android 5.1 OS, rapid and stable, with a redesigned user interface built around a design language known as "Material design", avails the access to over 800,000 apps including Facebook, Youtube, Picasa and more. Amlogic S905 Amlogic S905, a high performing CPU running at 2,000.00 MHz Max., has 4 core(s) which results in extremely efficient multi-tasking in comparison with dual core processors. Mali-450 Penta-core ARM Mali-450, a separate graphics processor dedicated to accelerate the creation of images to be outputted to a display, is structured around processing large blocks of data in parallel. 4K Resolution The latest in a line of broadcast and media resolutions, 4K is due to replace 1080p as the highest-resolution signal available for in-home movies and television. With a minimum resolution of 3,840 pixels wide and 2,160 pixels high, making it the equivalent to two 1080p screens in height and two in length. Gigabit LAN Gigabit LAN provides a data rate of 1 billion bits per second. 2GB DDR3, 16GB eMMC It boasts DDR3 2GB RAM, and eMMC 16GB Flash, advantageous in performance, security and reliability, ascribing to the eMMC memory, ultimately delivering a richer end-user experience. 2.4/5GHz WIFI 802.11 b/g/n/ac European standard EN 301 893 covers 5.15–5.725 GHz operation, and v1.8.1 is in force.Mandatory 80 MHz channel bandwidth for stations (vs. 40 MHz maximum in 802.11n), 160 MHz available optionally.Support for up to eight spatial streams (vs. four in 802.11n).The specification has multi-station throughput of at least 1 gigabit per second and single-link throughput of at least 500 megabits per second (500 Mbit/s).
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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 22 August, 2016. |